CODEM – The BatLab
The BatLab is a transfer centre specialised in the development of innovative products for construction and renovation in order to develop Sunstainable Construction and Eco-Materials.
A sort of FabLab applied to construction, it consists of three distinct workshops for the manufacturing of Concretes, Expanded Foams and Composite Panels, all from natural resources. These workshops provide manufacturers with the opportunity to realise pre-series and prototypes with the goal of validating the industrial development of a product. CoDEM’s mission is also to support manufacturers in their product development with advice and R&D, with life cycle analysis, with environmental product declaration and also with Eco-Design. |
41 avenue Paul Claudel, 80480 Dury
T +33 3 22 34 27 05 – F +33 3 22 34 27 08