Research, training and the transmission of technology are three missions of the Université Technologique de Troyes (UTT). Together with the Universités de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) and Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM), the UTT forms the network of French Universities of Technology. This model of training for engineers is fuelled by scientific research, linked to the industrial world and internationally active. The research of the UTT, organised in the Institut Charles Delaunay (ICD), is strongly focused on the Sciences et Technologies pour la Maitrise des Risques (STMR, Science and Technology for Risk Assessment). The ICD-UMR 6281 created in joint supervision with the CNRS since 1st January 2014- brings together all participants in research in the UTT.
communication@utt.fr | www.utt.fr
12 Rue Marie Curie, 10010 Troyes
T +33 3 25 71 76 00 – F +33 3 25 71 76 76