The team of the Chair is composed of a tenured professor, accompanied by young designers-research engineers in residency for projects with a duration of 6 months to one year. The team is completed by guest researchers from the academic world.

From left to right: Audrey Bigot, Jules Levasseur, Véronique Maire, Bastien Mairet, Luce Aknin
Véronique Maire, designer and professor
She began her career as a designer in the Andrée Putman design studio where she was responsible for the development of products and domestic furniture. In 2001, she cofounded the IK Design studio and then her own design office in 2006, emphasising her interest for expertise and the universe of the table. In 2014, she launched her own brand of objects for the table entitled mamama, in order to deal directly with the problematics of production and distribution.
Working with the ESAD Reims for 10 years now, she supervises Design Master students and guides them to align themselves within specific problematics. She followed research projects around self production in the form of workshops with SMEs and manufacturers from the Region such as La Fonderie Rollinger, the company Arkema or also the Fédération Française de la Tannerie Mégisserie based in Paris. Some of these led to productions of series. Through her work with the Chair, today she continues this collaborative work by setting up research projects with diverse local actors |
Audrey Bigot, designer
The use, the materials and the forms of her productions all emanate from a source of simplicity, justice and the economy of means. By this inclusive conception, it is important to take into account the context in which the object emerges and the social and environmental consequences of its production.
Within the Chair, she has developed the network of professionals in Champagne Ardennes and has met with the companies, the organisations and the institutions in order to create a map of their skills. | mapping of the IDIS ecosystem
Jules Levasseur, designer
Seeking to bring a fresh look at the professions of crafts and industrial production, he is committed to revealing the unexplored potential, both practical and artistic, of workers expertise and of industrial materials. In this manner, the notion of work is at the centre of his research.
In the context of the Chair, he has produced new elements for covering with biosourced materials, with the support of the pole IAR and the BatLab from CoDEM. He also participates in the training of the Compagnons du Devoir carpenters, stimulating future craftspeople’s capacity to collaborate and opening up possible areas in this still very traditional profession. | Folie végétale
Bastien Mairet, designer
After technical studies, he continued his studies in the ESAD Reims, with one sole obsession: movement. Passionate about the work of automaton makers and their knowledge, which brings together both noble materials and mechanic solutions, just as much as robotics and new technology, he draws inspiration from this universe for the design of his own objects.
His work for the Chair consists in cartography work for the website. He will also participate in the innovative workshop INNOV’ACTION, with the not for profit association Lire Aussi, the national centre for musical creation CESARE, the Living Lab Activ Ageing and the Tech-CICO of the UTT of Troyes. | mapping of the IDIS ecosystem
Alexandra Borsari, doctor in political science
Researcher in anthropology, an associate of the CoDesign Lab of the Télécom ParisTech and Doctor in political sciences (UPEM, 2010), Alexandra Borsari’s research focuses on the connection between nature and material and in relation to objects. Her anthropological approach borrows from the anthropology of techniques, particularly with its method of biographies of objects, and includes an opening towards design in order to unify the expectations from an academic and entrepreneurial point of view.
A cross reflection between designers and design researchers aims to accompany the actors of different territories in the phase of translating the results. The opening up to design is also a way to renew the framing of the analysis and the methods of investigation.
From the beginning of 2014 and up until the start of 2016, Alexandra Borsari has worked on oxygen as a technical object in the sector of medical technical services in the home. This mission was created with the i-Lab of Air Liquide.
For the IDIS Chair, she participates in diverse key moments of research. She will most notably undertake an observational and analytical work on the evolution of the role, the tools and the methods of the designer when he or she is confronted by collaborative situations with multiple stakeholders.
Olaf Avenati, graphic and digital designer
Graphic and digital designer in Paris since 1997, Olaf Avenati conceives communication objects, publications on diverse supports and digital tools in the cultural and institutional domain. He teaches and coordinates the graphic and digital design department in the ESAD Reims, and intervenes regularly in the Institut Mines-Telecom. He is also a cofounder of the seminar Forms, Technologies, Society, which has questioned, since 2011, the technological fact in its multiple dimensions and most notably in its links to the practice of design.
He has designed the website of the IDIS Chair and the cartography of the IDIS ecosystem, in collaboration with Véronique Maire and Philippe Rivière. | cartography of the IDIS ecosystem
Philippe Rivière, journalist
Since 1997, Philippe Rivière has combined journalism and computing. Previously editor of “Le Monde diplomatique”, he has since then been developing his approach in the domain of cartography, through projects in collaboration with international institutions, journalists, artists, militants for social justice… He also trains journalists, geographers, etc., in working with the web.
This led him to co-founding the website:
For the cartographic work that is being done by the IDIS Chair, he is setting up interactive “machinery” which will allow the exploration of the Champagne-Ardenne industrial networks and the potential or existing relations between companies, schools, researchers and designers. | cartography of the IDIS ecosystem